A Literacy Matters Endowment Fund has been established through the Waccamaw Community Foundation by a former Freedom Readers board member. The primary purpose of the fund will be to provide grants to Freedom Readers, Inc. and Horry County Literacy Council, Inc. for books and teaching materials or for programmatic needs. The foundation will introduce the fund to a wider audience to encourage and nurture its growth. The fund’s principal will never be touched, and only the interest generated will be used to help support local literacy organizations as the fund grows.
The belief of the donor is that reading is the key to success. To increase reading skill and the love of books, the donor-initiated this fund so that Freedom Readers would be supported in perpetuity. The desire of the donor was to donate a gift that would keep giving into the future without burdening Freedom Readers with the management of investing.
The Literacy Matters Fund is seeking additional donations to increase the corpus of the fund so that more interest money will be available to distribute to Freedom Readers annually. The first grant will be awarded from this Literacy Matters Fund in the Fall of 2018. Any donation to build the Literacy Matters fund would be appreciated. Consider donating in tribute to an influential teacher or person in your life as a birthday, anniversary or special occasion gift. Or consider it the next time you make a memorial gift. The Waccamaw Community Foundation will notify the family of memorial gifts if the contact information is provided. Currently, RMD roll-overs from 401k funds may be donated directly to the fund without a tax liability. (Check with your tax
advisor about planned giving or other ways to donate.)
Waccamaw Community Foundation facilitates and manages 135 charitable funds for individuals, families, businesses, and organizations. The foundation seeks to improve the quality of life across Horry and Georgetown Counties by offering individuals, families, and organizations the opportunity to establish named charitable funds that support the community through grants and scholarships. Founded in 1999, Waccamaw Community Foundation connects people with the causes they care about, provides personalized service and helps donors leave a lasting legacy.
Anyone interested in supporting the Literacy Matters Fund may send a tax-deductible donation to Waccamaw Community Foundation and designate the Literacy Matters Fund – Waccamaw Community Foundation, 3655 S. Hwy. 17 Business, Murrells Inlet, SC 29576 or make a secure donation online at www.waccamawcf.org. For more information call (843)357-4483