May 4, 2020 will mark 10 years that we have been learning and growing with families on the Grand Strand. To celebrate this milestone, we are launching 2020 2.0. Starting January 1, 2020 everything we do at Freedom Readers will be better, stronger, more efficient and one of a kind. We’ve launched our second Advanced Placement Prep School program for middle schoolers. The first operates at Arnett in Georgetown and our new location meets at the Frazier Center in Bucksport. We have a host of exciting enhancements planned for this year. Stay tuned to this beautifully designed and enhanced website for more details.
Ten years is an awesome milestone, but we know we never would have been able to get here without our current and past board members, staff members, tutors, and scholars. We’re thrilled that each of you chose to invest your time, talents and treasures in Freedom Readers. Thank you for the bottom of our hearts! None of this would have been possible without you! Celebrate!